Associates for Resolution Therapy

Paulette is a Massachusetts and Connecticut licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is an AAMFT Clinical Member and is certified in CBT/DBT treatment. In practice since 1996, she has helped hundreds of couples and families achieve their relationship goals.


INFORMATION on Family Therapy

  • About Cognitive Behavior Treatment. Info...
  • Family Therapy Questions, FAQs. Info...
  • Anger Management. Info...
  • Family Marriage Counseling Suggested Readings. Info...



  • Anger, Assertiveness & Conflict Management. Info...
  • Building Self-Esteem in Your Child. Info...
  • Coping With the Strong-Willed Child. Info...

If someone you know might have interest, please forward this link.
Warm Regards,


Learn to Cope With Your Strong-Willed Child

4 Group Sessions

  • Increase Your Child’s Compliance
  • Give Effective Commands
  • Manage Your Child In Public Places
  • Teach Your Child Not to Interrupt

Cost: $350 per couple for the four sessions.

Information: 203.254.8262 or email

The strong-willed child is often bright and especially creative.

However, when things aren’t going their way these children can become demanding, or lose their temper. This out-of-control behavior can result in you feeling like an ineffective parent.

We will help you learn strategies that can put you back in charge, so that you can focus on raising a happy, well-adjusted child.